


强调我们致力于帮助学生探索他们的创造力, 365平台提供了几个令人兴奋的课外艺术项目. 无论学生是秋季话剧还是冬季音乐剧的主角, the passionate photographer who dutifully attends every home game to chronicle the action, the dancer who develops his or her skills under the watchful and expert eye of dance instructor, 或者是一个有成就的歌手,他把时间花在私人指导上, Westminster provides opportunities for students to explore the many avenues of art.


  • Dramat

    在秋季和冬季学期, students can fulfill their afternoon commitment in three different ways in the theater: as a lead in the fall drama or winter musical, 作为技术剧场项目的一员, 或者作为一个小角色的表演者,同时帮助技术工作. 在技术总监的指导下, students learn the fundamentals of safe building and rigging of set pieces and lights; they build and paint the set and props; they patch sound and monitor audio for live singing and music. 感谢他们的奉献和技能, Westminster students are largely responsible for ensuring that events focusing on Westminster students, 教师和校友, 以及来访的表演者, 在沃纳百年纪念中心顺利进行. 
    365平台尊重那些致力于生产的学生, performing in or building sets for Westminster’s remarkable plays with highly-coveted distinctions. After a student has contributed 100 hours to Dramat performances, they become members of Dramat. 400小时后,他们成为威廉姆斯山玩家. 在剧场总监的指导下, 一个男人拉希德, 参与戏剧和科技的学生人数增加了一倍多. This recent rise in student involvement in Dramat highlights the enthusiasm and passion Westminster students have for theater.
  • 跳舞

    Many 跳舞 Ensemble members also participate in the Afternoon 跳舞 Program which fulfills the sports/afternoon requirement. 下午的课程主要提供技术和调理课程, 这些学生也可能表演, 有时在非正式的表演中. 真心希望学习各种不同的舞蹈风格, 调节, 形式和技术是参与的必要条件.
  • 音乐

    For those students who desire greater instruction to improve technique and proficiency, private voice and instrumental lessons with accomplished instructors are available. Students and their instructors have access to acoustically enhanced practice studios and at least 10 pianos on campus to use for practice and recreation. 进一步, 除了非正式的表演, 例如咖啡屋, these students might find themselves in the pit orchestra alongside professional musicians as they accompany Westminster’s talented singers during the fully staged winter musical.
  • 摄影 & 多媒体

    Students who are especially passionate about photography can apply for the opportunity to be Westminster’s sports photographer. 在指导老师的指导下, students are responsible for photographing home games through an after-school commitment that serves the school. Students’ efforts culminate in a slideshow for each term’s awards ceremony and photo contributions to Westminster’s student newspaper and yearbook. 另外, especially motivated students may work with the director of marketing to bring some of their photos to print and web.
  • 马丁(艺术与文学杂志)

    一本非凡的杂志,充满了学生和教师的艺术作品, 散文, 和诗歌, Martlet要求有创意的学生管理提交的作品, 整理课文, 准时把杂志送到印刷厂. 虽然做Martlet不符合下午的要求, 学生谁参与津津有味的机会与书面参与, 画, 画, 摄影艺术.
  • 365平台新闻(学生报纸)

    The Westminster 新闻 is a collaborative student run organization that strives to accurately and thoroughly report the news of both the local community and surrounding world. Writers seek to discern the relevance of global events on everyday life around Williams Hill. 通常,《365平台新闻报》每学年出版四期. Every Westminster student is encouraged to write an article over the course of his or her high school career.
  • 《365平台》(年鉴)

    Westminster’s yearbook, The Spectator, captures the spirit, energy and camaraderie of the Sixth Form. 充满了图片, 最高级, 难忘的轶事和, 当然, 高级页, 《365平台》是六年级学生有形的记忆, 还有其他的学生. While any interested Sixth Formers can help to organize and edit The Spectator, only the editor-in-chief may use his or her role to fulfill the afternoon commitment in the winter term.



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F. (860) 408 3001
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